"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son..."
Luke 15:20
The Prodigal Son is a parable in the Bible about a son who runs from his father, and the father - out of an abundance of self-sacrificial love - pursues his son. At The PAC, we believe that we all run from our Father. Scripture tells us that no one is righteous; all of humanity is broken and has run from God. But, we know that's not the end of the story. Jesus is our rescuer who, "while we were still a long way off," ran out to us and brought us back into right relationship with God when we acknowledge Him as our savior. We recognize that all of us are lost but found in Jesus. It is our delight to go and engage with a world who has run from God in order to tell them about their Heavenly Father who is still pursuing them.
We embrace the following truths as non-negotiable and essential to our understanding and application of the Scriptures:
The PAC is an organization designed to introduce college students to a God who radically loves them and will never give up on them. We meet students where they’re at in whatever walk of life they may be in, and encourage them to seek out and engage in gospel-centered community so that they may come to know Christ and experience abundant life.
The PAC is a place where students will be loved by people who’ve been radically changed by the love of Jesus. Those relationships will start through anything and everything fun we can think of (events, parties, trips, etc.) and then become more intentional over time, through conversations on couches, porches, dinner tables and more.
Our hope is that as students feel welcomed, accepted and loved by this community, they would ultimately be drawn to Jesus!
Our leaders meet Wednesdays for our weekly PAC trainings. The goal of this time is to Encourage and Equip them as they work to share their faith with those they love and are trying to reach.
Every fall break we take a trip to Broken Bow, Oklahoma and every spring break we take a trip to Belize. Our desire for these trips is to provide platforms for connection and community. Throughout the semester we also host events like Friendsgiving, Super Bowl watch parties, tailgates and more. Follow the Christ Chapel College instagram to stay updated!